Stand with Kashmir

Stand With Kashmir (SWK) is a Kashmiri-driven grassroots movement committed to standing in solidarity with the people of Indian occupied Kashmir in their freedom struggle. The website includes a number of informative videos, infographics, resources, blogs, and recent updates.

The Kashmir Scholars Consultative and Action Network (KSCAN), is an interdisciplinary group of scholars from various countries and regions engaged in research on the region of Kashmir. Each of us has written about Kashmiri history, society, culture, and politics, and their relation to the protracted conflict; and we are particularly concerned about the present conditions of violence. Our research on the Kashmir conflict addresses its history, its consequences for the region and beyond, and its possible resolution. It has implications for an internationally mediated political solution and is of relevance to policy makers.

Kashmir Syllabus

#TheKashmirSyllabus compiles a list of sources for teaching and learning about Kashmir. It foregrounds voices, histories, and aspirations of people from within Kashmir, and moves beyond prior scholarship that often took security studies approaches and thereby privileged the statist perspectives of India and Pakistan. This critical body of work on Kashmir allows for a lens into the broader study of the modern state, occupation, nationalism, sovereignty, militarization, social movements, resistance, human rights, international law, and self-determination.

This is an interdisciplinary working syllabus that includes academic scholarship as well as literature, memoirs, and journalistic pieces. It is an incomplete and evolving work in progress. The group hopes that this syllabus will be used by those within Kashmir studies and beyond, and that it will be useful to academics and non-academics.