January – May ’24

Jan. 29: Yale University
South Asian Studies Council
Click here for more information

Feb. 5: CUNY Grad Center

Feb. 12: University of Chicago
Click here for more information

Feb 13-14: University of Notre Dame
Click here for more information

March 1: Brown University
Click here for more information

March 8: Carleton University (Canada)

April 17: Colgate

April 24: Cal State-Long Beach
FCS 136

April 25: UC Irvine
SSPB 1222

April 26: UCLA
History Conference Room, Bunche 6275

May 16: Dartmouth (virtual)

September 18th: Ohio State University (South Asia Studies Initiative) On-line

October 6: Purdue University (Progressive South Asia Collective) On-line

Click here to register

October 9: Syracuse University (South Asia Center)

October 10: Cornell University (Judith Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies and South Asia Program) 

Click here for more info

October 11: University of Buffalo (School of Architecture and Planning)

Click here for more info

November ’23 Events

Nov. 8: UC-Santa Cruz
Center for South Asian Studies

Nov. 8: UC-Berkeley
Institute for South Asian Studies

Nov. 9: Stanford University
Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies, Co-sponsored Center for South Asia
Watch the recorded event here.

October ’23 Events

Oct. 4: Columbia University
Cosponsored by: Department of History, South Asia Institute

Oct. 9: LSE, London
LSE Human Rights

Oct. 10: University of Warwick
Department of Sociology, Sociology Seminar Series

Oct. 11: University of Exeter
Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies

Oct 12: Queen Mary University of London
6-7:30pm, Mile End Campus

Oct 13: Oxford University
4:30-6pm, Group Working Room 9, Blavatnik School of Government

Oct. 18: Shenandoah University
Center for Islam in the Contemporary World

Oct. 21: Annual Conference on South Asia
Madison, WI

September ’23 Events

Sept. 20: Franklin and Marshall College
Departments of Anthropology and International Studies

Sept. 22: New York University
NYU Center for Global Asia

Sept. 26: Lafayette College
Co-sponsored by the Lafayette Library and Department of History